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Skærmbillede 2021-04-14 kl. 13.53.19.png

Overview show your activity in comparison to the period before. The arrows indicate if there is an increase or decrease in activity levels from admins and users. 


The overview also shows channel performance. This can give you some idea of how effective your channels are in relation to the sharing rate and the value they individually earn. 



1. Choose your filter

Week: Compares this week with the previous.

Month: Compares this month with the previous

Quarter: Compares the past 3 months with the 3 months before them. Note that this is 3 full months and not from the current date.

Year: Compares this year with the previous year. Note that this is full months and not from the current date.

Overview explained
Skærmbillede 2021-04-14 kl. 13.53.19.png

2. Posts shows you how many posts you have created during this period and if is more or less than the period before. 


3. Invites show you how many employees are invited to share posts with their networks on social media and if this is more or less than the period before


4. Groups Activated shows you how many out of your groups that are activated in this period. 


5. Open rate shows the percentage of how many emails that are opened by users and if there is an increase or decrease compared to the past period. 


6. Engagement rate shows you the unique engagement by employees. In other terms how many of the invited employees shared. This is the employee engagement rate during this period.


7. Share Ratio indicates how many channels users shares to. It will minimum be one channel but it can be more if they share multiple times to the same channel or share to multiple channels.

8. Share statistics show the channels' performance:


Shares: How are shares divided between channels

Clicks: Which channels gain the most clicks

Views: Which channels gain the most views. Please note that this is only views from video shares

EMV is the earned media value generated on clicks

EMV/share show the value of a click on the post


Skærmbillede 2021-04-14 kl. 13.53.19.png
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