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With a regular share, you create a new post with a link for social media. 



What does a regular post look like?

A regular share, is where your employees share a new post to social media that is not related to a native post (direct share) or consist of a video (video share). See the photo of how it looks once it has been shared to social media. 


Most posts are by default a regular post, unless it has a video icon in the top right corner in the content hub. 


You can use any link to create into a post: from your blog page or news site, to an article from another source about the development in the industry that your employees might find interesting and relevant to share with their network.


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How to share a reguar post





Go to Create post in the menu or select content from the Content Hub.


If you have multiple distribution channels, choose your preferred channel to share to. If you do not have multiple options, this step will automatically be skipped.



1. Give your post a title. The title is the headline in the mail and the name of the post in the post list. The post list is all your published post and post stats. Find all your post in the menu - Posts 


2. Add the URL link, if you have not selected content from the Content Hub. If you want to create a multiple post mail, add the same or different links in the link box and customize them individually.  

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You can use all content formats as long as it is public content and has a URL. If you haven't added all sources to your Content Hub, you can copy/paste the links to Sociuu manually. 


You can for instance use, web articles, blog, videos, social media posts, whitepapers, job posts, employee portraits, news, webinars, campaigns etc. 

Now you are ready to set up the rest of your post. Jump to step 2 to set up your campaign, suggested text, email, choosing users, and send-out settings.

Create a. reguar sharee


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